Refund Policy

What are the Refund Options?

  1. Unfortunately, we do not offer refunds. Orders can only be returned for a store credit.
  2. Can the items be exchanged? Unfortunately we don't accept exchange
How soon will I get my store credit?
Once your returned item is received and inspected, you will be notified via email. You will also be informed about the approval or rejection of your request. If approved, the request will be processed within 5–7 working days after approval.

Order cancellations

We unfortunately cannot guarantee cancellation if the order has started processing. To make sure you receive your order in time,  we will start processing the orders as soon as we receive them, which means once your order has been placed, you may not be able to cancel it.

Editing orders
Please make sure your shipping address is complete and correct before you check out, we may not be able to edit the order before it ships out.
We may not be able to make changes to your order after it is confirmed. Please make sure to add the correct items in the correct sizes plus any coupon codes you may have before placing your order.

Our policy lasts 14 days after delivery date, If 14days have gone by since your purchase, unfortunately we can’t approve a return request.

 Items must be received back at the return address within 14 days of delivery date to receive a store credit.

If an item is received after the 14 days has passed, you'll be charged a 50% restocking fee.

Pack your item(s) securely in the original product packaging, if possible.

All items must be returned in original condition (including thank you card, packaging, and accessories). All items must be unworn, unaltered and unwashed.